Abbot and Couplet Plaque


1966年,光明山普觉禅寺举办首界新加坡本地的三坛大戒、水陆法会以及祈祷世界和平大会 – 三类殊胜法会和佛事先后举行;这些法会也是为了纪念光明山普觉禅寺开山住持转道长老建寺45周年(1921-1966)。


• 厦门南普陀寺
• 漳州南山寺
• 厦门虎溪岩
• 泉州大开元寺
• 泉州崇福寺
• 厦门万石岩
• 泉州承天寺
• 福州雪峯寺
• 泉州庆莲寺


In 1966, Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery organised the inaugural ‘Grand Prayer that Blesses and Benefits all Sentient Beings’ in Singapore. At that time there were three pujas held at once – Triple Platform Ordination Ceremony, The Grand Prayer that Blesses and Benefits all Sentient Beings and Grand Prayer for World Peace. The pujas were held in remembrance of the 45th anniversary of the founding abbot Venerable Sik Zhuan Dao’s establishment of the monastery.

During that period, Venerable Seck Hong Choon had close ties with the Buddhist temples in the Fujian Province of China. To congratulate and commemorate this unprecedented puja event, the provincial temples got together to present this abbot plaque to Venerable Hong Choon and Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery.

The list of Chinese temples were:
• Nanpu Tuo Temple, Xiamen
• Nanshan Temple, Zhangzhou
• Tiger Creek Temple, Xiamen
• Kaiyuan Temple, Quanzhou
• Chongfu Temple, Quanzhou
• Wan Shi Yan Temple, Xiamen
• Chengtian Temple, Quanzhou
• Xuefeng Chan Temple, Fuzhou
• Qinglian Temple, Quanzhou

This huge gold-faced plaque used to hang inside the old Abbot Hall. Though the old Abbot Hall had been demolished to make way for the new Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall, this plaque allows one to reminiscent the memories of the once Abbot Hall.


Historical Artefacts